In an effort to heMoney representing Google Drive costad off challenges from Office 365 and other mobile-friendly productivity apps, Google has made an extraordinary offer to smartphone and tablet users. Simply download the QuickOffice app for your Android or iOS device, and receive an additional 10GB of online file storage free.

But there are several major problems with the offer for people and businesses considering using it.

1. The upgrade is time limited

The 10GB provided by Google is yours for free for the first two years. At the end of that period you will have to pay for the upgrade.

2. The storage is not backed up

Google Drive provides no backup and restore facilities for files you save there. Google Drive is only suitable as an additional backup repository – you will still need to save your data somewhere else so that it can be recovered in case of loss, corruption or theft.

3. Data stored in Google Drive is not guaranteed to be private

Google’s Terms of Service contain an interesting clause that allows them to use any content you upload to promote, improve or develop new services. Even if you cancel your account, they retain that content for further processing. In short, Google can use your files stored in the Cloud for their own profit.

To avoid these problems, it makes sense to opt for a pro-level Cloud-hosted file service like LiveDrive from Broadband Cloud Solutions. For a small fee, your content is completely protected, and remains yours at all times.

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