freeimage-5870870For years, free consumer service Skype was regarded as “wiretap-proof”, meaning that calls were very unlikely to be intercepted or interfered with. For many small businesses, this allowed them a degree of security knowing that confidential calls could not be monitored, and sensitive details would therefore remain private.

However, soon after acquiring Skype, Microsoft secured a patent for a new technology that would allow them to intercept calls. Although most experts agree that this new development is intended to allow Microsoft to capture data to comply with requests from security services, Microsoft claim that they are using the information to improve services for users.

Whether you believe the technology is being used by Microsoft or national governments, the fact is that Skype is no longer as private as it once was – which means that there is now the potential for other less ethical hackers to breach call security and business confidentiality.

In light of these revelations, many businesses are now reconsidering whether Skype is an appropriate provider for their VoIP calls. Concerns about privacy coupled with a lack of service quality guarantees has increased interest in paid-for hosted VoIP solutions which can meet both these requirements.

If you would like to know more about hosted VoIP services and how their service level agreements can help bring an added layer of professionalism to your voice calls, ring the Broadband Cloud Solutions team today on 0141 585 6363.

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