www connectionIf your business has been keeping up with developments on the Internet, you should already have your own website and accompanying domain name. Chances are that when you paid your web developer to create your online shop, you would have also paid for the hosting (where your files are made available online) and the domain name (the web address used by your customers to find your site).

What you may not realise is that your ownership of that domain name is time-limited, not unlike an actual property lease. Here in the UK, domain name registrations tend to be for just two years. If your domain registration lapses, people will be unable to access your website until the problem is resolved.

However, the problems do not end there. After that registration period has elapsed, the web address is available for purchase by anyone. In theory you could lose your established online brand.

Sound unlikely? Just last week a major American bank lost access to its website after they forgot to renew their domain. Another report suggests that the domain name registrations of at least 15 of the top 500 companies in the US are due to expire imminently, potentially causing similar outages.

The easiest way to prevent similar problems in your own business is to renew your own domains as soon as possible for as long as possible. Call the Broadband Cloud Solutions team today on 0141 585 6363 and ask about renewing your own domain names for up to 10 years into the future.

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